Debut Book Out Now

Looking Inwards for a Better Life by
Dalton D Blankinship

IHave you ever felt like something just wasn't clicking in your life? Has the shallowness of society left you thirsty for deeper truths that lie beneath the surface? Do you wish that you could just be more honest with wanting a life of no distractions? This book will take you deeper into many different levels of our societal hierarchies and how you can keep yourself honest in a world that seemingly is just getting allergic to the truth. I don't have all the answers but I can give just a few bits of the iceberg to go deeper and beyond your own comprehension. 

About Dean

Hello, my name is Dalton Dean Blankinship and this is the author's website for my book. I plan to write more and hope that you want to be along for the ride. My books will be a mix of different genres and ideas that will cover a wide swath of art, I implore all to explore for a deeper understanding of your chosen art. Also I practice martial arts and am venturing into new ways of thinking, my content working has somewhat has a supplement for those en